GI Stool Tests

Assessing your gut health is crucial for optimal health. Below are couple of the best tests available that I prefer to use. I will recommend the most appropriate for you.

GI Effects®

GI Effects® is a comprehensive assessment of complete gut health, assessing the root cause of most GI complaints and not only.

Gut health is crucial for just about every aspect of human health.

Systemic diseases can be linked to the GI tract and improving the health of your gut may improve your overall health. Gut microbes are codependent with one another and with their human host, and the health of one affects the other. This is why is so important to have an optimal digestion and microbial balance.

GI Effects evaluates the following areas:

  • Digestion/Absorption

  • Inflammation/Immunology

  • Gut Microbiome Balance

  • Pathogenic Parasites and Bacteria

  • Intestinal Permeability (Leaky Gut)

GI Effects stool testing might be right for you if you struggle with:

  • Gas

  • Bloating

  • Abdominal pain/cramps

  • Indigestion/reflux

  • Diarrhea

  • Constipation

  • Food Allergies

  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Crohn's disease, Ulcerative colitis)

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

  • Skin conditions

  • Brain fog

  • Fatigue

  • Metabolic issues like weight loss issues and diabetes

Why trust GI Effects:

  • Combination of PCR, culture, and microscopic testing methods ensures any and all relevant organisms are identified.

  • Data driven analysis is based on the lab’s database of hundreds of thousands of complete stool profiles.


Easy at home collection of 3 stool samples during 3 days. You will receive detailed instructions once you order the test.

GI Map®

The GI-MAP is the most accurate, comprehensive DNA stool analysis on the market.

Almost every patient can benefit from a GI-MAP gut health assessment. Some patients are looking to achieve optimal health, while other patients have been chronically ill and frustrated without a diagnosis for years.

GI Map evaluates the following areas:

  • Digestion/Absorption

  • Inflammation/Immunology

  • Gut Microbiome Balance

  • Pathogenic Parasites and Bacteria

  • Intestinal Permeability (Leaky Gut)

  • Gluten Sensitivity

GI Map stool testing might be right for you if you struggle with:

  • Autoimmune diseases


  • Digestive complaints, diarrhea or constipation

  • Brain fog

  • Skin problems, like acne and psoriasis

  • Mood disorders, depression, and anxiety

  • Diabetes and weight loss issues

Why trust GI Map:

  • Advanced PCR technology ensures any and all relevant organisms are identified.

  • The GI‑MAP (Microbial Assay Plus) is unique in the field of comprehensive stool testing. It relies exclusively on quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) technology to detect parasites, bacteria, fungi and more, by targeting the specific DNA of the organisms tested.


Easy at home collection of 1 stool sample. You will receive detailed instructions once you order the test.