Whatever your mission in life, your body needs to be at PEAK PERFORMANCE to get you there.

Increase your HEALTH SPAN, prevent chronic illness and age well.

Discover your genetic blueprint, current health status, and the tools you need for an effortless, active, disease-free life.

I help high-achievers, like you, upgrade their health for optimal performance and a truly spectacular life.

From burnout to full vitality and energy.

So you can live the life you want!

I see you…

You are hardworking and dedicated.

You want and achieve the best results.

You forget how the hours go by because you love what you do.

You work weekends because you want to get ahead and time simply doesn’t matter when it comes to quality.

You work hard and play hard.

You are here to do great things, to change people’s lives, to change the world!


May be you feel tired and you need that coffee or five to get you through the day.

Your brain is not where you want it to be.

Perhaps you get headaches and you keep a bottle of painkillers at your desk.

Or you wake up unrested and you are having hard time getting up.

The extra weight has been creeping in over the years and perhaps you have tried different diets without success.

You start to worry about your health as the years go by. You see older people around you with chronic diseases and you start to wonder where are you heading.

Then you start reading on the internet how to be healthy, but all the different, often conflicting information, leaves you even more confused and overwhelmed

(I have been there, I know exactly how you feel)

It shouldn’t be this difficult to be healthy!

There is a system to the madness and I am here to show you how and guide you every step of the way.

It comes down to 3 things

TEST - using advanced functional labs to get data + extensive interview = understanding the root cause of your problems and knowing exactly what you need.

CORRECT - using personalized nutrition and therapeutic grade supplements

BUILD HEALTHY HABITS - diet, exercise, lifestyle practices to keep you healthy for the rest of your life

My 1:1 program transforms your health, quality of life and the way you age.

Your guide to optimal health and aging

I left my corporate job in the movie industry out of necessity to restore my health. While doing that I found my mission in life: helping people get and stay healthy so they don’t have to quit the things they love doing.

No one teaches you how to take care of your body while facing the highly stressful, competitive, demanding reality you live in. This is a skill you can master.

You simply need a competent guide who have helped dozens of people, just like you, to reverse the damage and move to the next level.

What is the next level?

That of high energy, stress resilience, no chronic illness, healthy weight, brain power, excellent cognition, active aging…

I know for fact that certain things in your life need to change, because what got you HERE won’t get you THERE.

Patients who have done it!


I have tried many things to improve my health unsuccessfully. How this is any different?

Trying different things means that you now know what doesn’t work for you and we can get straight to the things that actually work. In the initial appointment I dig deep into your past experiences and I use that information as a compass to guide you forward to success.

I can find free information online, why do I need to pay for a program?

This means you are already familiar with many modalities and concepts. So we have a head start! I know how confusing can be to sort through all the articles and blogs. People come to me not because they need information, but because they need an expert to sort it all out for them, to find the unique solution for YOU, while you can be sure I am using scientifically and practice-proven information and methods. The search is over!

I have chronic disease and I am not sure it can be reversed.

Chronic diseases are lifestyle diseases and they can be reversed or controlled with lifestyle changes. You are at the right place for that!

I am unmotivated to make dietary changes and coaching will not work for me.

This is what most of my patients think. But did you know that motivation and unwillingness to take action is actually a chemical brain imbalance? Once we correct those imbalances, you will be able to make healthy choices without much effort or using strong will.

This sounds like a lot of work. I don’t feel ready. It is not the right time for me.

It is not about being ready, it is about committing to a better life and taking the first step towards it. We are never ready for most things in life. But we do them anyways, because we know that we want to have good health and spectacular life.