Are you ready to upgrade your gut health?

Are you ready to say “goodbye” to IBS, SIBO, Bloating, GERD, Digestive issues, Constipation, Diarrhea, Food Intolerances?

You are in the right place!

I can help you if…

You CARE about your health and want long term solution not just a symptom management.

You are ready to TAKE RESPONABILITY for your own body.

You are ready to invest to GET REAL RESULTS.

You are an ACTION TAKER and want to get things done. Resolve symptoms for good!

Sound like you?

Then let’s go! I will teach you how.

I have a vision for you…

I want you to be able to eat out at a restaurant without analyzing the menu for safe foods and without fear of digestive issues.

I want you to have a normal healthy bowel movement every morning, so you don’t have to sit by the toilet all day and instead you can go out and enjoy life.

I want you to feel positive and have a ton of energy EVERY SINGLE DAY.

I want you to feel comfortable in your own body, wear the clothes you want and never fear you look 3 months pregnant.

I want you to BE THE MASTER OF YOUR OWN HEALTH AND VITALITY, because you can. Good health is not “good luck”. There are precise actions that can take you there. Even if you have been dealt the bad “gene” cards.

I want you to design your own health as you want it to be. It is up to you what kind of future you will live.

My program will take you to the top of the mountain.

What is like working with me

Free Strategy Session

The first step to get to know each other and to discuss your goals, expectations and how I can help you. Once we commit on working together, the journey begins.

Initial appointment

We move on to our initial appointment where I extensively review your health history, body systems, diet, lifestyle, current symptoms. I get to know every detail concerning your health so I can create a plan that is perfect for your needs.


We discuss and arrange all necessary labs. This is crucial step for finding out what is going on under the hood. To get the full picture you will be asked to run:

  • Adrenal Stress Test (to assess your body’s response to stress)

  • GI Stool Test (to assess your digestion and microbiome)

  • Organic Acids Test (to assess your detox capacity, brain function, metabolism and energy production, nutrient status, inflammation and much more)

  • Optional tests depending on your needs: DUTCH (hormones) and Genetics

Support Calls

We meet bi-weekly so I can monitor your progress, adjust supplements and diet, encourage you on your journey to build healthy habits, give you the resources you need to succeed. Everyone is different and needs individual attention.

Sustainable progress

We gradually build upon the foundation, at your own speed. I set only achievable goals depending on your situation. There is no one size fits all approach.

Your health and vitality restored

You slowly but surely restore your health, gain more energy and start feeling great. This might be a bumpy road for some, depending on the condition, but this is why I am next to you every step of the way. I have many tools in my box, clinically proven to achieve results.

The whole process might take from 4 -12 months. It took years for your current health to get where it is, it will take few months to change.

Long term wellness care

This is where I may check in between 2-4 times a year to help ensure you stay on track and run annual or biannual testing to make sure you are doing well.

What if you don’t take action…

What do you think would happen to your health if you ignore the signs your body is giving you?

How much longer are you willing to have digestive problems, not eat the foods you love, not enjoy your live?

How much is it costing you to have suboptimal digestive health?

You know the answers to those questions and I am offering you a way out.

I have been where you are, it took me years to start doing something about my health. Looking back, I paid a big price for my inaction. The biggest one was that I wasn’t living the life I want.

My philosophy

  • I focus on addressing the root cause of your problems while working on symptom relief. This is the only way to achieve lasting results.

  • My model is holistic and works with idea that your body can heal itself, we just need to remove the barriers.

  • Together we address foundational diet and lifestyle changes while supporting your digestive system.

  • I customize care around the patients needs and create an environment where the patient can take action and get results.

The REVIVE system

Based in science, human physiology and clinically proven

  • REBALANCE your nervous system and lifestyle. This is the foundation you need to step on for a succesful healing journey. Addressing stress response, movement, blood sugar balance are paramount so healing can take place.

  • ELIMINATE the obstacles of healing. Damaging foods, toxins, pathogens in the gut.

  • VIVIFY your digestive power. We are what we eat absorb. We address digestive enzyme, stomach acid and bile production for proper food breakdown.

  • INOCULATE your microbiome - a vital human organ, having a huge impact on your symptoms and how you feel. Here you will rebuild your gut flora and learn how to support it in the long run.

  • VITALIZE your gut barrier and immune system. Beat food intolerances and prevent autoimmunity.

  • ENERGIZE for life. Learn how to take care of your gut and health for the years to come. This will change your life.

This is the road to perfect gut and overall health.

This creates vitality and quality of live beyond your dreams.

  • " of Ginka's super powers, she is able to make sense of your world and put you on the path in a warm, gentle guiding way with powerful impact."

    T M

  • “I know I can count on Ginka to recommend the best solutions, the best quality products and to be alongside me every step of the way. She is very detail oriented in her work and puts in a lot of passion and effort.”

    Ivalina N

  • “After preparing a detailed diet plan for me and the supplements Ginka prescribed, by the second or third month I was already having distinct results. Six months later, I felt completely healthy as I did before and there was no memory of the previous problems.”

    Desislava S

  • “Ginka takes every client to heart, she knows more about me than any doctor, she knows about my habits, mistakes, problems, emotions, and that is why I chose and will continue to choose her holistic approach.”

    Mina S

  • "For me it was a great joy to have met Ginka and now I look at life with positivity and calmness and I know that in the future, if I have a problem, I always have a specialist to turn to."

    Nadya K

  • "I had given up hope on getting I believe in myself, in the power and importance of food and that with dedication and proper guidance anything is possible."

    Daniela K

I meet you exactly where you are.

No judgment, no prerequisites.

It is not a matter of being ready or having time. It is a matter of willingness and taking the first tiny step.

I will support you through the rest.