Can Probiotics Help with Bloating?

Probiotics supplements and their effect on bloating

Bloating is very common. I see it every day in my practice and usually people have tried many things unsuccessfully before they reach out for professional help. As with every problem in the body we need to find the root cause for a long term solution.

In this article I will explore some of the benefits of using probiotics to solve bloating, but keep in mind that this is a multifactorial problem and often one intervention will not be enough. However probiotics can be very helpful.

What cases bloating?

Bloating is the accumulation of gas in the intestines which causes abdominal distention and discomfort. Here are some of the most common factors causing this accumulation of gas.

  1. Impaired motility or the movement of the intestines. This is important because when the food doesn’t move at the proper speed, it can start to ferment and produce gas. This can also cause constipation, which is one of the most common causes of distention.

  2. Bacterial overgrowth or SIBO. That extra gas can be produced by overgrowth of certain bacteria, often in the small intestine. One thing to know is that healthy small intestines contain very few bacteria. The majority are in the colon.

  3. Fermentation of undigested food particles due to low stomach acid and/or digestive enzymes. This is very common - many people have low digestive power and when food is not broken down properly, it can ferment and produce gas. Low stomach acid can also cause pathogens to colonize in the intestines causing disbalance and further exacerbate bloating.

Which Are The Best Probiotics for Bloating?

Many people believe probiotics colonize the gut. Science has proven this is not the case. They modulate the already existing bacteria towards a healthy balanced microbiome. How do they do that? By stimulating the production of essential nutrients and aiding in toxin elimination, so the “good” bacteria can thrive and outnumber the “bad” guys.

Probiotics also can improve intestinal transit time, and reduce inflammation - both are important for a balanced microbiome that will not produce extra gas.

Several clinical trials have demonstrated the positive effects of probiotics on bloating and gut health. For example, a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial evaluated the positive effects of a probiotic containing Bacillus coagulants MTCC 5856 on patients with bloating, distention and IBS.

Another study shows that Bifidobacterium bifidum MIMBb75 effectively alleviates IBS symptoms.

It is important to note that not all probiotic strains are effective in alleviating bloating. The individual response is also a factor which is mainly related to the root case specific to that person.

As a functional medicine nutritionist, I have a whole-body holistic approach to managing bloating and IBS symptoms. I consider gut motility, dietary triggers, overall gut health, nervous system, lifestyle and food intake.

The bottom line

Probiotics can be very effective in relieving bloating. However choosing the right strain and a good quality supplement is paramount. Many probiotics on the market are not regulated and often they don’t contain what they say they do.

And always eat foods high in indigestible plant fiber to feed the beneficial probiotic bacteria. Without a microbiome-building diet, probiotics will not be effective. So, load up on colorful whole plant foods, root vegetables and alliums.


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